Champion Sponsors

The Feed the Future Initiative was launched in 2010 by the United States government and the Obama Administration to address global hunger and food insecurity

NCBA Bank Rwanda, formerly Commercial Bank of Africa, is a commercial bank in Rwanda. NCBA Bank Rwanda is one of the Kenyan-owned bank subsidiaries to launch operations in Rwanda.

Rwanda Bookmobile
Inspiring Children
To Love To Read
Children's Library & Bookmobile
Children's Radio & TV Production Studio

Sorwathe Ltd
SORWATHE LTD., an award winning tea factory in Rwanda founded in 1975. The tea processed by the factory is grown on the SORWATHE-owned plantation of 284 hectares, as well as on another 930 hectares owned by ASSOPTHE, a Rwandan cooperative that represents over 3,500 small farmers. SORWATHE employs 3,000 Rwandans in the factory and fields. It produces approximately 6.5 million pounds (3 million Kilograms) of high quality black, green, oolong, organic and specialty teas each year for sale around the world.

Thousand Hills Accounting
Our trusted team of accounting professionals helps manage the financial needs of our clients by providing the highest quality accounting, consulting, and bookkeeping services. Our clients gain more accurate information, improved decision making, stronger accountability, and better financial controls. Thousand Hills Accounting is committed to financial education, creating jobs, and supporting businesses as part of Rwanda's Vision 2050. We also provide QuickBooks® training and support.

The United States Agency for International Development is an independent agency of the United States federal government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance.